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Karine Doré-Mazars

Professeur des Universités





  • Professeur des Universités – Psychologie Cognitive, UFR: Institut de Psychologie. Service d’enseignement de Psychologie Cognitive Expérimentale. Depuis 2010.
  • Habilitation à diriger les recherches. Titre : « Le système visuo-moteur : modèle privilégié pour l’étude des interactions Perception-Action ». Soutenue le 6 juin 2007, à l’Université Paris Descartes
  • Nomination à l’IUF (Institut Universitaire de France), Membre Junior. Titre du projet : « La plasticité des relations Action-Perception ». (2008-2013).
  • Délégation CNRS. Projet : « Etude du couplage entre les mécanismes de sélection pour l’action motrice et la perception» au LPNCog UMR8189 CNRS (18 mois 2004-06).
  • Directrice d’unité de recherche « Vision Action Cognition » – Institut de Psychologie – Paris Descartes (EA 7326) – contrat 2014-18 et 2019-2023
  • Responsable du service d’enseignement de Psychologie Cognitive Expérimentale – Institut de Psychologie – Paris Descartes – contrat 2014-18
  • Membre de la Commission Recherche de la Facultés Sociétés et Humanités de Université Paris Cité (2020-2023; 2023-2026)
  • Membre du Conseil Académique A de la Facultés Sociétés et Humanités de Université Paris Cité (2020-2023; 2023-2026)
  • Directrice de l’Ecole Doctorale ED261-3CH Cognition Comportement Conduites Humaines de Université Paris Cité (2019-)
  • Membre du Conseil de l’Ecole Doctorale 3CH (ED261) (2012-)
  • Membre du Conseil Académique Local de l’Institut de Psychologie (2017-)
  • Membre du Conseil Scientifique Local de l’Institut de Psychologie  (2017-)



Thèmes de Recherche

  • Contrôle oculomoteur
  • Plasticité du système saccadique (développement)
  • Relations perception-action dans le système visuo-moteur (approche expérimentale et neuropsychologique)
  • Interaction contrôle oculomoteur et cognition (expertise)



  • Abou Khalil, G., Doré-Mazars, K. & Legrand, A. Stand up to better pay attention, sit down to better subtract: a new perspective on the advantage of cognitive-motor interactions. Psychological Research (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-023-01890-0
  • Tagu, J., Pressigout, A., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2023, August 23). Action and space both shape number representations: Evidence from random number generation. PsyArXiv, doi:10.31234/osf.io/cb65g
  • Chaumillon, R., Alahyane, A., Senot, P., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Doré-Mazars, K. et al.. Distractor-induced saccade trajectory curvature reveals visual contralateral bias with respect to the dominant eye. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.21737. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-26319-3⟩. ⟨hal-03974696⟩
  • Abou Khalil, G., Doré-Mazars, K., & Legrand, A. (2022). EXPRESS: Is better selective attention while standing possible without cost on postural sway? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychologyhttps://doi.org/10.1177/17470218221126591
  • Milisavljevic* A, Abate* F, Le Bras* T, Gosselin B, Mancas M and Doré-Mazars K (2021) Similarities and Differences Between Eye and Mouse Dynamics During Web Pages Exploration. Front. Psychol. 12:554595. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.554595
  • Abou Khalil, G.*, Doré-Mazars, K., Senot, P. et al. (2020) Is it better to sit down, stand up or walk when performing memory and arithmetic activities?. Exp Brain Res 238, 2487–2496. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-020-05858-z
  • Pressigout*°, A., Paeye°, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2020). Saccadic adaptation shapes perceived size: Common codes for action and perception. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 28]. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2020;10.3758/s13414-020-02102-2. doi:10.3758/s13414-020-02102-2 ° First co-authors.
  • Tagu, J., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2020). Saccade accuracy as an indicator of the competition between functional asymmetries in vision. Experimental Brain Research, doi:10.1007/s00221-019-05717-6
  • Pressigout*, A. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2020). How does number magnitude influence temporal and spatial parameters of eye movements? Exp Brain Res. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-019-05701-0
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Lebras, T., Mancas, M. Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., and Doré-Mazars, K. (2019). Towards a better description of visual exploration through temporal dynamic of ambient and focal modes. ETRA ’19 Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, Article No. 66. ISBN: 978-1-4503-6709-7 doi 10.1145/3314111.3323075
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Hamard, K., Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., Doré-Mazars, K. and Mancas, M. (2018). Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to Prediction. In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2018) – Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages 86-93, DOI: 10.5220/0006618800860093 ISBN: 978-989-758-288-2
  • Pressigout*, A., Charvillat, A., Mersad, K., & Dore-Mazars, K. (2018). Time-dependency of the SNARC effect for different number formats: evidence from saccadic responses. Psychological Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-018-1010-y
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., Vergne, J., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2018). Recentering bias for temporal saccades only: Evidence from binocular recordings of eye movements. Journal of Vision, 18(1):10, 1–16, doi:10.1167/18.1.10.
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., Vergne, J., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2018) Quantifying eye dominance strength – New insights into the neurophysiological bases of saccadic asymmetries, Neuropsychologia, 117, 530–540, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.07.020
  • Chaumillon, R., Alahyane, N., Senot, P., Vergne, J., Lemoine, C., Doré-Mazars, K., Blouin, J., Guillaume A. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2017). Asymmetry in visual information processing depends on the strength of eye dominance. Neuropsychologia, 96, 129-136.
  • Alahyane, N., Lemoine-Lardennois*, C, Tailhefer, C., Collins, T, Fagard, J., Doré-Mazars, K. (2016) Development and learning of saccadic eye movements in 7- to 42-month-old children. J Vis. 2016 Jan 1;16(1):6. doi: 10.1167/16.1.6.
  • Heidlmayr*, K., Doré-Mazars, K., Aparicio, X., & Isel, F. (2016). Multiple Language Use Influences Oculomotor Task Performance: Neurophysiological Evidence of a Shared Substrate between Language and Motor Control. PLoSOne, 11(11): e0165029. doi:10.1371 /journal.pone.0165029.
  • Legrand*, A., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C., Nougier, V., Olivier, I. (2016). Interference between oculomotor and postural tasks in 7-8-year-old children and adults. Exp Brain Res. 2016 Jun;234(6):1667-77. doi: 10.1007/s00221-016-4565-0. Epub 2016 Feb 3.
  • Lemoine-Lardennois*, C., Alahyane N, Tailhefer, C, Collins, T, Fagard, J, Doré-Mazars K. (2016). Saccadic Adaptation in 10-41 Month-Old Children. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 May 25;10:241. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00241. eCollection 2016.
    New, B., Doré-Mazars, K., Cavézian, C., Pallier, C. & Barra, J. (2016). The letter height superiority illusion. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(1), 291-298, DOI :10.3758/s13423-014-0753-8.
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., and Vergilino-Perez D (2016). How eye dominance strength modulates the influence of a distractor on saccade accuracy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57 (2) 534-543. DOI:10.1167/iovs.15-1842
  • Chaumillon, R., Alahyane, N., Senot, P., Vergne, J., Lemoine, C., Doré-Mazars, K., Blouin, J., Vergilino-Perez, D. & Guillaume A. (2015) Toward an eye dominance quantification for better management of eye diseases. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2015 Apr;38(4):322-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2014.10.009. Epub 2015 Apr 1. [Article in French]
  • Samson*, H., Fiori-Duharcourt, N., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2014). Perceptual and gaze biases during face processing : related or not ? PlosOne 9(1):e85746. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085746
  • Fayel*, A., Chokron, S., Cavézian, C., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2014).Characteristics of contralesional and ipsilesional saccades in hemianopic patients. Exp Brain Res, 232(3), 903-17. Epub2013 Dec 24. DOI 10.1007/s00221-013-3803-y.
  • Legrand*, A, Doré-Mazars K, Lazzareschi J, Lemoine C, Olivier I, Barra J, Bucci MP. (2013).Differing effects of prosaccades and antisaccades on postural stability. Exp Brain Res. 2013 Jun;227(3):397-405. doi: 10.1007/s00221-013-3519-z. Epub 2013 May 7.
  • Lavergne*, L., Doré-Mazars, K., Lappe, M., Lemoine, C., &Vergilino-Perez, D. (2012). Peri-saccadic mislocalization in saccade sequences. Journal of Vision. Jun 4; 12(6):6. doi: 10.1167/12.6.6.
  • Legrand*, A., Bui-Quoc, E., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C., Gérard, C-L., &Bucci M-P. (2012). Effect of a Dual Task on Postural Control in Dyslexic Children. PLoS ONE, 7(4): e35301. doi:10.1371
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Fayel, A., Lemoine, C., Senot, P., Vergne, J. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2012). Are there any left-right asymmetries in saccade parameters? Examination of latency, gain and peak of velocity. Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Sciences. 53 (7), 3340-3348.
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C., Siéroff, E., Ergis, A-M. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2012). The role of saccade preparation in lateralized word recognition: evidence for the attentional bias theory. Neuropsychologia, 50(12), 2796-2804.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C., Bucci, M-P. (2011). Adaptation of reactive saccades in normal children. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 52(7), 4813-8.
  • Lavergne*, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C., Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). Exploring and targeting saccades dissociated by saccadic adaptation. Brain Research, 1415:47-55.
  • Collins*, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2010). La plasticité de la transformation sensori-motrice dans le système visuel : l’adaptation saccadique. L’Année Psychologique, 109, 509-549.
  • Lavergne*, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2010). Adaptation of within-object saccades can be induced by changing stimulus size. Experimental Brain Research, 203(4), 773-780.
  • Lavergne*, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lappe, M. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2010). The spatial pattern of peri-saccadic compression for small saccades. Journal of Vision, 10(14):17, 1–12.
  • Collins, T., Heed, T., Doré-Mazars, K. & Röder, B. (2009). Presaccadic attention interferes with feature detection. Experimental Brain Research. 201(1), 111-117.
  • Collins*, T.,Semroud, A., Orriols, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2008). Saccade dynamics before, during and after saccadic adaptation in humans. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 49 (2), 604-612.
  • Collins*, T., Vergilino-Perez, D., Delisle, L. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2008). Visual versus motor vector inversions in the antisaccade task: A behavioral investigation with saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 99, 2708-2718.
  • Lavergne*, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., Orriols, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2008). The planning of a sequence of saccades in pro- and anti-saccade tasks: influence of visual integration time and concurrent motor processing. Brain Research, 1245, 82-95.
  • Collins*, T., Doré-Mazars, K. &Lappe, M. (2007). Motor space structures perceptual space: Evidence from human saccadic adaptation. Brain Research, 1172, 32-39.
  • Collins* T., Vergilino-Perez, D., Beauvillain, C. & Doré-Mazars K. (2007). Saccadic adaptation depends on object selection: evidence from between- and within-object saccadic eye movements,Brain Research,1152, 95-105.
  • Collins* T., & Doré-Mazars K. (2006). Eye movement signals influence perception: Evidence from the adaptation of reactive and volitional saccades. Vision Research, 46, 3659-3673.
  • Collins*, T., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino–Perez, D. (2006). Deux populations de refixations lors de la lecture de mots longs. L’Année Psychologique, 106, 5-22.
  • Doré-Mazars K., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins*, T., Bohacova, K., &Beauvillain, C. (2006). The use of recurrent signals about adaptation for subsequent saccade programming depends on object structure, Brain Research, 1113, 153-162.
  • Doré-Mazars, K. &Collins*, T. (2005). Saccadic adaptation shifts the presaccadic attention shift. Experimental Brain Research, 162, 537-42.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Pouget, P., & Beauvillain, C. (2004). Attentional selection during preparation of eye movements. Psychological Research, 69, 67-76.
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2004). Decision and metrics of refixations in reading isolated words, Vision Research, 44, 2009-2017.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D., & Collins, T. (2003). Are there two populations of refixations in the reading of long words? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26(4), 480-481. Commentaire.
  • Doré-Mazars, K. (1999). Where and When does the What system play a role in eye movement control? Behavioral and Brain sciences, 22, 680. Commentaire.
  • Beauvillain, C. & Doré, K. (1998). Orthographic codes are used in integrating information from parafovea by the saccadic computation system. Vision Research, 38 (1), 115-123.
  • Doré, K., &Beauvillain, C. (1997). Latency dependence of word-initial letter integration by the saccadic system. Perception and Psychophysics, 59(4), 523-533.
  • Beauvillain, C., Doré, K., & Baudouin, V. (1996). The “center of gravity” of words: Evidence for an effect of the word-initial Letters. Vision Research, 36(4), 589-603.
  • Doré, K., & Beauvillain, C. (1995). Effet des contraintes lexicales sur l’exploration oculaire d’un mot, L’Année Psychologique, 95,11-46.


  • Doré-Mazars, K. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2023). Vision et oculomotricité. L’Année psychologique, 123, 367-373. https://www.cairn.info/revue-l-annee-psychologique-2023-2-page-367.htm
  • Lemoine-Lardennois, C, Doré-Mazars, K, Alahyane, N (2016). La mise en place des fonctions visuelles et oculomotrices chez le jeune enfant. in Contraste 2016/1 (n° 43, 312 pages) : “Troubles de la vision chez le jeune enfant”, pp. 17-37. ISBN: 9782749250397. DOI: 10.3917/cont.043.0017. Eres Editions.
  • Nicolas, S.,Gyselinck, V, Vergilino-Perez, D., Doré-Mazars, K. (2007). Introduction à lapsychologie cognitive. In Press Éditions.(Ouvrage collectif)
  • Nicolas, S. (2003).La Psychologie Cognitive, Campus. Armand Colin. Chapitres 1-3. de J-D. Bagot et K. Doré-Mazars.
  • Nicolas, S. et Doré-Mazars,K. (2002). Eléments d’Histoire sur la perception. In Y. Coello et J. Honoré.Percevoir et s’orienter dans l’espace. Approchepluridisciplinaire des relations perception-action.Marseille : Editions Solal.
  • Doré, K., &Beauvillain, C. (1999). Relationship between visual attention and saccadetarget selection in reading. In W. Becker, H. Deubel, and T.Mergner (Eds.), Current Oculomotor Research: Physiological and PsychologicalAspects, 375-378. New-York: Plenum.
  • Beauvillain, C., & Doré,K. (1995). Effect of luminance and linguistic information on the center ofgravity of words. In J. M Findlay, R. W. Kentridge and R. Walker(Eds.), Eye movement research: Mechanisms, processes and applications,393-403. North-Holland: Elsevier.


Résumé des communications parus dans des revues à comité de lecture

  • Abou Khalil, G., Legrand, A., Sénot, P., & Doré Mazars, K. (2019). Optimisation des performances cognitives par la variation de la posture. Clinical Neurophysiology, 49(6), Doi : 10.1016/j.neucli.2019.10.083
  • Legrand, A., Abou Khalil, G., Doré Mazars, K, & Saj, A. (2019). Comment rendre une visite au musée plus efficiente par la posture ? Clinical Neurophysiology, 49(6), 323. Doi : 10.1016/j.neucli.2019.10.158
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Tagu, J., Karraz*, M., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2019). Eye dominance modulates the spatial coupling between saccade and perception. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(7), 224. Poster presented at the 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2019 August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Le Bras*, T., Abate*, F., Mancas, M., Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., Doré-Mazars K. (2019) Different visual explorations between free-viewing and target finding tasks in websites: evidence from temporal analyses of ambient and focal modes. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(7), 390. Poster presented at the 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2019 August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.
  • Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Hillairet de Boisferon, A., Salem-Cherif*, W., Doré-Mazars, K., Alahyane, N., Adaptation of voluntary saccades in young children, Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(7), 371. Poster presented at the 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2019 August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Pressigout*, A., Leroy*, L-J. (2019) Does number processing also modulate kinematic parameters of spontaneous saccadic eye movements? Journal of Eye Movement Research, 12(7), 361. Poster presented at the 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2019 August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.
  • Senot,P., Gallis, Q., Milisavljevic*, A., Doré-Mazars, K., Barra, J. (2019) Looking freely or not at bodies that evoke (or not) a gravity conflict: gaze pattern and effect on discrimination performance. 20th European conference on eye movements, 18-22 August, Alicante, Spain
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Le Bras*, T., Mancas, M., Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., Doré-Mazars, D. (2019). A dynamic approach of searching behavior in webpages. Book of abstracts of the 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, 2018 August 26-30, Trieste, Italy. Perception, 48(S1), p.22, doi:10.1177/0301006618824879
  • Pressigout*, A., Paeye, C., Kech*, Lara., Doré-Mazars, K. (2019). Saccadic adaptation alters object size perception. Book of abstracts of the 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, 2018 August 26-30, Trieste, Italy. Perception, 48(S1), p.119, doi:10.1177/0301006618824879
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2019). Influence of eye dominance on oculomotor and attentional selection. Book of abstracts of the 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, 2018 August 26-30, Trieste, Italy. Perception, 48(S1), p.62, doi:10.1177/0301006618824879
  • Abou Khalil G., Legrand, A., Doré-Mazars, K. (2018). Optimisation des performances cognitives par la posture. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 48(6), 323. doi.org/10.1016/j.neucli.2018.10.031
  • Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Alahyane, N., Hamon, M., Ferrari, C., Doré-Mazars, K. (2017). Development of oculomotor control from infants to toddlers: temporal and spatial parameters of voluntary saccades. Journal Of Eye Movement Research, 10(6), p 203. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.16910/jemr.10.6
  • Pressigout*, A., Charvillat, A., Mersad,K., Fayel, A., et Doré-Mazars, K. (2017). Time-dependency of the SNARC effect on number words: Evidence from saccadic responses. Journal Of Eye Movement Research, 10(6), p 308. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.16910/jemr.10.6
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Vergne, J., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2017). Asymmetries of the saccadic system: A tool to quantify eye dominance strength. Journal Of Eye Movement Research, 10(6), p161. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.16910/jemr.10.6
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2017). Eye dominance strength modulates the global effect on saccade accuracy. Book of Abstracts of the 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, 2017 August 27-31, Berlin, Germany. Perception, ECVP 2017 Abstract, p.96. Retrieved from http://journals.sagepub.com/page/pec/collections/ecvp-abstracts/index/ecvp-2017
  • Pressigout, A., Charvillat, A., Fayel, A., Vitkova, V., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2016) Does conceptual quantity of words affect the spatial coding of saccade responses, like a SNARC effect? In Book of Abstracts of the 39th ECVP European Conference on Visual Perception, Barcelona, 2016, August 28th- September 1st 2016, Barcelona, Spain. Perception, 45(S2), p.21. doi:10.1177/0301006616671273
  • Alahyane, N., Lemoine, C., Tailhefer, C., Collins,T., Fagard, J. & Doré-Mazars,K. (2013). Development of oculomotor control from infants to toddlers:temporal and spatial parameters of reactive saccades. In
  • K.Holmqvist, F.Mulvey& R. Johansson (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 17th EuropeanConference on Eye Movements, 11-16 August 2013, in Lund, Sweden. Journal of EyeMovement Research, 6(3), pp. 254.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Aparicio,X., Heidlmayr, K, Lemoine, C &Isel, F (2013) Do bilingualsexhibit a better inhibition in eye movement task switching? Evidence from pro-and anti-saccade tasks. In K. Holmqvist, F.
  • Mulvey & R. Johansson(Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements,11-16 August 2013, in Lund, Sweden. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6(3),
  • Fayel, A., Chokron, S., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2013).Does saccadic adaptation require consciousvisual processing? In K. Holmqvist, F. Mulvey & R. Johansson (Eds). Book ofAbstracts of the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, 11-16 August 2013,in Lund, Sweden. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 6(3), p. 353
  • Lemoine, C., Alahyane, N., Tailhefer, C., Collins,T.,Fagard, J., & Doré-Mazars,K. (2013).Are toddlers able to adjust saccade accuracy? A first evidence for saccadicadaptation in 24-41 month-olds. In K.
  • Holmqvist, F. Mulvey & R.Johansson (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of the 17th EuropeanConference on Eye Movements, 11-16 August 2013, in Lund, Sweden. Journalof Eye Movement Research, 6(3), pp.54.

Communications dans des colloques nationaux et internationaux avec actes de congrès

  • Abou Khalil, G., Doré-Mazars, K., & Legrand, A. (2023). Effet des postures Assise et Debout sur les fonctions attentionnelles des enfants en école primaire. XXIXème Congrès de la SOFPEL (Société Francophone Posture Equilibre Locomotion).  30 novembre et 1er décembre à Rouen. [Poster]
  • Le Bras T, Farro L, Formentini L , Milisavljevic A, Allibe B , Doré-Mazars K.(2023) Internal and external triggers modulate ambient & focal processing of scenes and website pages. ECVP 2023 – 44th European Conference on Visual Perception, 2023.August 27-31, Paphos, Chypre [Communication affichée]
  • Le Bras, T., Formentini, L., Farro, L., Milisavljevic, A., Allibe, B., Doré-Mazars, K. (2023) Do internal and external triggers modulate ambient & focal processing ? Evidence from scenes and website pages visual exploration. Journée de l’Institut de Psychologie, 7 juillet 2023, Boulogne-Billancourt, France. [Communication affichée]
  • Tagu J, Pressigout, A, Leroy* L-J, Richardson* J, & Doré-Mazars, K (2022). On the role of action in spatial-numerical associations. 22nd conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2022 August 29-31, Lille, France. [Communication affichée]
  • Le Bras, T., Farro, L., Allibe, B., Doré-Mazars, K. (2022). Differences between free-viewing and target searching tasks during visual exploration of websites and scenes : What you are watching and doing matter. 22nd conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2022 August 29-31, Lille, France. [Poster]
  • Abou Khalil, G., Legrand, A., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2022).Do attentional capabilities differ when sitting, standing, or walking? 22nd conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2022 August 29-31, Lille, France. [Communication orale]
  • Abou Khalil, G., Doré-Mazars, K., Senot, P., Wang, D.P., & Legrand, A. (2022).To sit, to stand or to walk when memorizing and calculating? 4th conference of Movement Brain Body Cognition, 31 Sept – 2 August, Paris, France. Brain, Body Cognition. [Poster]
  • Abou Khalil, G., Doré-Mazars, K., & Legrand, A. (2021) Comment la posture influence la cognition humaine? Silabo, Paris, June [Communication orale].
  • Abou Khalil, G., Doré-Mazars, K., & Legrand, A. (2021) Optimiser ses capacités d’attention sélective en adoptant une posture debout? SOFPEL, Lille, December [Poster].
  • Abou Khalil*, G., Doré-Mazars, K., Senot, P. et al. (2020) Towards a better understanding of reciprocal impact between posture and cognition. JSJC, Lille, 6 november [Poster].
  • Hillairet de Boisferon, A., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Doré-Mazars, K., Alahyane, N. I choose where to look : eye movements in the first years of life. [poster] vICIS 2020 Congress (July 6-9, 2020)
  • Abou Khalil*, G. Legrand, A. Senot, P., Doré Mazars, K. (2019). Optimisation des performances cognitives par la variation de posture. XXVI congrès de la SOFPEL (Société Francophone Posture Equilibre Locomotion). 4 et 5 décembre. Montréal, Canada. [Communication orale]
  • Pressigout*, A., Doré-Mazars, K.(2019) Towards a common metric for perception and action: evidence from eye movements. 21th meeting of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology, 2019, Tenerife, Spain
  • Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Hillairet de Boisferon, A., Salem-Cherif*, W., Doré-Mazars, K., Alahyane, N., Adaptation of voluntary saccades in young children., 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, 2019, Alicante, Spain
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Pressigout*, A., Leroy*, L-J. (2019) Does number processing also modulate kinematic parameters of spontaneous saccadic eye movements? 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2019, Alicante
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Le Bras*, T., Abate*, F., Mancas, M., Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., Doré-Mazars K. (2019) Different visual explorations between free-viewing and target finding tasks in websites: evidence from temporal analyses of ambient and focal modes. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2019, Alicante [Communication affichée]
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Tagu, J., Karraz*, M. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2019). Eye dominance modulates the spatial coupling between saccade and perception. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2019, Alicante.
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Lebras, T., Mancas, M. Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., and Doré-Mazars, K. (2019). Towards a better description of visual exploration through temporal dynamic of ambient and focal modes. ETRA ’19 – 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, Denver, Colorado — June 25 – 28, 2019. [Communication orale]
  • Abou Khalil*, G., Legrand, A., & Dore-Mazars,K. (2018). Optimisation des performances cognitives par la posture, SOFPEL, 7-8 décembre 2018, Amiens, France [Poster]
  • Hillairet de Boisferon, A., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Hamon, M., Doré-Mazars, K., Alahyane, N. (2018). Inducing Voluntary Saccades in Young Children without Task Instruction, 12th GDR Vision Meeting, 2018 October 4-5, Paris, France. [Poster]
  • Latil, B., Alahyane, N., Guilbert, A., Lemoine‐Lardennois, C., Weens, J and Doré‐Mazars, K. (2018) Does saccade adaptation reveal the role of sensorimotor deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)?, 12th GDR Vision Meeting, 2018 October 4-5, Paris, France [Poster]
  • Latil, B., Alahyane, N., Guilbert, A., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Weens, J., Doré-Mazars, K. (2018). Détecter les déficits oculomoteurs : une perspective pour une meilleure compréhension des Troubles du Spectre Autistique, SNLF 2018, 2018 december 7, Paris, France. [Poster]
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Hamard, K., Petermann, P., Gosselin, B., Doré-Mazars, K. and Mancas, M. (2018). Eye and Mouse coordination during task: from behaviour to prediction. 2nd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Application, 27-29 January 2018, Madeira, Portugal
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Le Bras, T., Mancas, M., Gosselin, G., Petermann, C., Doré-Mazars, K. (2018). Dynamic behaviour when searching in webpages. Groupe De Recherche Vision, 5-6 October 2018, Paris, France
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Le Bras, T., Petermann, C., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B. and Doré-Mazars, K. (2018). A dynamic approach of searching behaviour in webpages. 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, 26-30 August 2018, Trieste, Italy
  • Pressigout*, A., Paeye, C., Kech, L. et Doré-Mazars, K. (2018). Does saccadic adaptation alter object size perception ? 12th GDR Vision Meeting, Paris, France, 2018, October 4-5. [Poster]
  • Pressigout*, A., Paeye, C., Kech, L. et Doré-Mazars, K. (2018). Saccadic adaptation alters object size perception. 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, 26-30 August 2018, Trieste, Italy. [Poster]
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2018). Does eye dominance influence oculomotor and/or attentional selection? 12th GDR Vision Meeting, 2018 October 4-5, Paris, France. [Poster]
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2018). Influence of eye dominance on oculomotor and attentional selection. 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP, 2018 August 26-30, Trieste, Italy. [Poster]
  • Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Alahyane, N., Hamon, M., Ferrari, C., Doré-Mazars, K. (2017). Development of oculomotor control from infants to toddlers: temporal and spatial parameters of voluntary saccades. 11th GDR Vision Meeting. 2017 13-14 october, Lille, France.
  • Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Alahyane, N., Hamon, M., Ferrari, C., Doré-Mazars, K. (2017). Development of oculomotor control from infants to toddlers: temporal and spatial parameters of voluntary saccades. ECEM19,19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 20-24 August 2017, Wuppertal, Germany. [Poster]
  • Mersad, K., Doré-Mazars, K., F. Elisei, Bailly, G. & Nazzi T. (2017). Statistic-based speech segmentation operates on an integrated audio-visual percept rather than on the auditory and visual modalities taken independently. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, 27-31 August 2017, Berlin, Germany
  • Milisavljevic*, A., Doré-Mazars, K., Gosselin, B., Mancas, M. and Petermann, C. (2017). What scroll can teach us about web users ? 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, 27-31 August 2017, Berlin, Germany
  • Pressigout*, A., Charvillat, A., Mersad, K., Fayel, A., et Doré-Mazars, K. (2017). Time-dependency of the SNARC effect on number words: Evidence from saccadic responses. ECEM19, 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 20-24 August 2017, Wuppertal, Germany [Poster]
  • Pressigout*, A., Lavergne, L., Mishikina, J., et Doré-Mazars, K. (2017). Number magnitude influences saccade parrameters : Evidence from foveal and peripheral processing. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, 27-31 August 2017, Berlin, Germany [Poster]
  • Senot, P., Moreno-Flores, R., Hurel, E., Besse, F., Ruffault, A., Viller, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2017) Performances oculomotrices et inhibition motrice chez des tireurs sur cible fixe. 17ème Congrès de l’Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, 29-31 Octobre 2017, Dijon, France.
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino-Perez D. (2017). Eye dominance strength modulates the global effect on saccade accuracy. ECVP 40, 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, 27-31 August 2017, Berlin, Germany. [Communication Affichée]
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., Vergne, J. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2017). Asymmetries of the saccadic system: A tool to quantify eye dominance strength. ECEM19, 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 20-24 August 2017, Wuppertal, Germany. [Communication Orale]
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2017). Does eye dominance strength modulate the global effect on saccade accuracy? 11th GDR Vision Meeting, Lille, France, 2017 October 12-13, Lille, France
  • Pressigout*, A., Charvillat, A., Fayel, A., Vitkova, V. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2016) Does conceptual quantity of words affect the spatial coding of saccade responses, like a SNARC effect? 39th ECVP European Conference on Visual Perception, 2016, August 28th- September 1st, Barcelona, Spain [Poster]
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., Vergne, J., Lemoine-Lardennois, C. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2016). On the robustness of the measurement of eye dominance strength based on saccadic parameters. 39th ECVP European Conference on Visual Perception, 2016, August 28th- September 1st, Barcelona, Spain [Poster]
  • Lemoine-Lardennois*, C., Alahyane, N., Tailhefer, Collins, T., Fagard, J. and Doré-Mazars, K. (2015) Adaptive shortening and lengthening of saccade amplitude in 10-41 months-old , ECEM18, 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, 2015, Vienna, Austria [poster].
  • Tagu*, J., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine-Lardennois, C., & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2015) A perceptual asymmetry may be determined by eye dominance, ECEM18, 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, 2015, Vienna, Austria [poster].
  • Heidlmayr, K., Doré-Mazars, K., & Isel, F. (2014). Rethinking the bilingual advantage: Evidence from ERP data for a differential impact on control processes. Neuroscience 2014 – 44rd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2014 November 15-19th, Washington, DC, US [Poster]
  • Alahyane, N., Lemoine*, C., Tailhefer, C., Collins, T., Fagard, J. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2013). Development of oculomotor control from infants to toddlers: temporal and spatial parameters of reactive saccades. 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM17, August 11-16th, 2013, Lundt, Suède. [Communication orale]
  • Alahyane N., Lemoine*, C., Tailhefer C., Collins T., Fagard J., Doré-Mazars, K. (2013). Development of saccade control in young children aged 6 to 42 months. International Symposium Vision-Action and concepts: Behavioural and neural basis of embodied perception and cognition, October 28-30th, 2013, Lille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Aparicio, X., Heidlmayr*, K., Lemoine, C. & Isel, I. (2013). Do bilinguals exhibit a better inhibition in eye movement task switching? Evidence from pro- and anti-saccade tasks. 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM17, August 11-16th, 2013, Lundt, Suède. [Communication affichée]
  • Fayel*, A., Chokron, S., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2013). Does saccadic adaptation require conscious visual processing? 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM17, August 11-16th, 2013, Lundt, Suède. [Communication affichée].
  • Heidlmayr*, K., Doré-Mazars, K., & Isel, F. (2013). Bilingualism benefit in an oculo-motor task? ERP evidence of a relation between language and motricity. Neuroscience 2013 – 43rd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Nov 9-13, 2013, San Diego, CA. [Communication affichée]
  • Lemoine*, C., Alahyane, N., Tailhefer, C., Collins, T., Fagard, J., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2013). Are toddlers able to adjust saccade accuracy? A first evidence for saccadic adaptation in 24-41 month-olds. 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM17, August 11-16th, 2013, Lundt, Suède. [Communication affichée]
  • Tailhefer C., Lemoine*, C., Alahyane, N., Collins, T., Fagard, J., Doré-Mazars, K. (2013). Adaptive control of saccade accuracy in preschool children: is it functional? International Symposium Vision-Action and concepts: Behavioural and neural basis of embodied perception and cognition, October 28-30th, 2013, Lille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Chaumillon, R., Alahyane, N., Senot, P., Vergne, J., Lemoine, C., Doré-Mazars, K. & Guillaume, A. (2013). Influence of eye dominance on Perception and Action. International Symposium Vision-Action and concepts: Behavioural and neural basis of embodied perception and cognition, October 28-30th, 2013, Lille, France. [poster].
  • Aparicio, X., Doré-Mazars, K. & Isel, F. (2012) Effect of inhibition on a language switching task : Evidence from late bilinguals and simultaneous interpreters. 30 Mars – 1er Avril 2012, Bangor, Pays de Galles [poster]
  • Cavézian C., Barra, J., Doré-Mazars K., Issard C., & New B. (2012). A new perceptual bias: The letter and word magnification effect. GDR Vision Annual Forum. November 14, 2012, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Fayel*, A., Chokron, S., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2012). Implication du cortex occipital dans l’adaptation saccadique. 54ème Congrès National de la Société Française de Psychologie, 3-5 septembre 2012, Montpellier, France. [Communication orale].
  • Isel, F., Aparicio, X., Heidlmayr*, K., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2012). Does multilingual code switching impact eye movement control? Evidence from pro- and anti-saccade tasks. GDR Vision Annual Forum. November 14, 2012. Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Legrand*, A., Bui-Quoc, E., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C., Gérard, C-L ,Bucci, MP. (2012). Effect of dual-task on postural control in dyslexic children.XIIth International Orthoptics Congress. June 26-29 2012, Toronto, Canada.
  • Legrand*, A., Doré-Mazars, K., Bucci, M.P., Lemoine, C., Nougier, V. et Olivier, I. (2012). Interférences entre la réalisation de tâches oculomotrices et le contrôle postural chez l’enfant. XIX Congrès de l’Association Posture Equilibre (APE) 30 novembre-1 décembre 2012, Marseille, France [Communication orale].
  • Lemoine*, C., Collins, T., Fagard, J. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2012). Saccadic adaptation in 10-40 month-old infants. GDR Vision Annual Forum. November 14 , 2012. Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
    New B., Doré-Mazars K., Issard C., & Barra, J. (2012). A new perceptual bias: The letter and word magnification effect. 53rd annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. November 15-18, 2012, Minneapolis, United States. [Communication affichée].
  • Samson*, H., Fiori, N., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2012). Aging and face perception: perceptual and gaze bias study. XIIème Colloque Vieillissement Cognitif (JEV), June 25-26 2012, Tours, France. [Poster].
  • Samson*, H., Fiori, N., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2012). Importance of the position of face presentation for gaze and perceptual biases study. European Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP, September 2-6, 2012, Alghero, Italy. [Communication affichée]
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Samson*, H., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C., and Fiori, N. (2012). Is there a relationship between left perceptual bias and oculomotor bias when looking at faces? ESCAN 2012, 1st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neurosciences, May 9-12, 2012, Marseille, France. [Poster]
  • Bucci, MP., Legrand*, A., Gerard, CL., Bui-Quoc, E., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). Contrôle postural chez l’enfant dyslexique : effet d’une double tâche. Congres Association Posture & Equilibre (APE) 2-3 décembre 2011, Albi, France. [Communication orale].
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C. & Bucci, M-P. (2011). Adaptation of reactive and voluntary saccades in children: differences in retention and extinction. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Fayel*, A., Chokron, S., Cavézian, C., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). Visual perception and saccadic eye movement characteristics in hemianopic patients. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Fayel*, A., Vergilino-Perez, D., Chokron, S., Lemoine, C., Leroux-Rondeux*, B. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). Are effects on saccade latencies preserved in the homonymous hemianopia? Evidence from gap and remote distractor effects. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Lavergne*, L., Doré-Mazars, K., Lappe, M., Lemoine, C. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2011). Object structure determines saccade planning but not space representation. ECVP European Conference on Visual Perception 34, August 30th 2011, Toulouse, France. [Communication orale].
  • Lavergne*, L., Doré-Mazars, K., Lappe, M., Lemoine, C. & Vergilino-Perez, D. (2011). Mislocalization pattern in a two-saccade sequence. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Lavergne*, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., Lemoine, C. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). Dissociating exploring and targeting saccades: Evidence from saccadic adaptation. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication orale].
  • Legrand*, A., Doré-Mazars, K., Lazzareschi, J., Lemoine, C., Barra, J., Bucci, M-P. (2011). Saccadic eye movements improve static and dynamic postural control. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, Marseille, France 2011. [Communication affichée].
  • Legrand*, A., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine,C., Olivier, I., Lazarreschi, J., Barra, J., & Bucci,MP. (2011) Impact de différentes tâches oculomotrices sur le contrôle postural chez le jeune adulte. Congres Association Posture & Equilibre (APE) 2-3 décembre 2011, Albi, France. [Communication orale].
  • Samson*, H., Fiori, N., Doré-Mazars, K., Lemoine, C., and Vergilino-Perez, D. (2011). Is the perceptual bias in face processing linked to an oculomotor bias? 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Fayel*, A., Lemoine, C., Vergne, J. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). Are there any left-right asymmetries on temporal and spatial parameters of saccadic eye movements? 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16, August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Vergilino Perez, D., Lemoine, C., Siéroff, E., Ergis, A-M., Rigault, E., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2011). The attentional bias in lateralized word recognition: evidence from saccadic studies. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM16 August 21-25th, 2011, Marseille, France. [Communication affichée].
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C. & Bucci, M-P. (2010) Adaptation of reactive and voluntary saccades in normal children. 15th AVA Christmas meeting- 1st French-British Conference on Visual Perception, GDR Vision, 17-18 Décembre 2010, Paris, France.
  • Fayel*, A., Chokron, S., Cavézian, C., Vergilino-Perez, D., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2010). Characteristics of saccades in the blind visual field of hemianopic patients and implications for blindsight. 15th AVA Christmas meeting- 1st French-British Conference on Visual Perception, GDR Vision- 17-18 Décembre 2010, Paris, France.
  • Lavergne*, L., Doré-Mazars, K., Lappe, M., Lemoine, C. &Vergilino-Perez, D. (2010). Peri-saccadic compression in saccades sequences. 15th AVA Christmas meeting- 1st French-British Conference on Visual Perception- GDR Vision- 17-18 Décembre 2010, Paris, France.
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Lemoine, C., Siéroff, E., Ergis A-M., Rigault, E., Bouhired, R. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2010). The role of saccade preparation in lateralized word recognition: evidence for the attentional bias model. 15th AVA Christmas meeting- 1st French-British Conference on Visual Perception- GDR Vision- 17-18 Décembre 2010, Paris.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Collins, T., Fayel*, A., Orriols, E. & Deubel H. (2009). Does saccadic adaptation shift the presaccadic attention focus? 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM15, August 23rd-27th, 2009, Southampton, UK.
  • Lavergne*, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., Semroud, A. Orriols, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2009). A size-based adaptation for Within-Object saccades vs. a spatial location-based adaptation for Between-Object Saccades: An asymmetric transfer.15th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM15, August 23rd-27th, 2009, Southampton, UK.
  • Lavergne*, L., Vergilino-Perez, D., Lappe, M. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2009). The spatial pattern of ofperi-saccadic compression depends on saccade size. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM15, August 23rd-27th, 2009, Southampton, UK.
  • Collins*, T., Semroud, A., Orriols, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2007) Saccade dynamics before, during and after saccadic adaptation in humans. 14th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM14, August 19th-23rd, 2007, Potsdam, Germany. Communication affichée
  • Doré-Mazars, K. & Collins*, T. (2007). Is visuo-spatial perception related to visual or motor selection processes during saccadic eye movement preparation? Investigations with saccadic adaptation. 14th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM14, August 19th-23rd, 2007, Potsdam, Germany. [Communication orale]
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Delisle, L. & Collins*, T. (2007). Is the vector inversion visual or motor in anti-saccades? A behavioural study using saccadic adaptation? 14th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM14, August 19th-23rd, 2007, Potsdam, Germany. [Communication affichée]
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Orriols, E. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2007). How do sequences of anti-saccades differ from sequences of pro-saccades? 14th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM14, August 19th-23rd, 2007, Potsdam, Germany. [Communication affichée]
  • Collins*, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2006). Second saccade programming uses actual or intended eye movement signals: Evidence from saccadic adaptation. Universität Osnabrück-Westfälische Wilhelms Universität jointworkshop, 15 mars 2006, Münster, Allemagne. [Communication affichée]
  • Collins*, T., Doré-Mazars, K. and Lappe, M. (2006). The Human saccadic adaptation field and space perception. ECVP 27th, European Conference on Visual Perception, 20-25 Août 2006, Saint-Petersboug, Russie. [Communication affichée]
  • Collins*, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2005). Does perception use the intended or actual eye movement signal? Evidence from the adaptation of reactive and voluntary saccades. 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM13, August 13-18th, 2005, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Collins, T. & Doré-Mazars, K. (2005). Perceptual effects of voluntary and reactive saccadic adaptation. 9th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems, ICCNS9, Boston University, May 18-21st, 2005.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Collins, T., Vergilino-Perez, D., Bohacova, K. and Beauvillain, C. (2005). Second saccade programming uses actual or intended eye movement signals: Evidence from saccadic adaptation. 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM13, August 13-18th, 2005, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., Bohacova, K. and Beauvillain, C. (2005). Actual vs intended eye movement signals in saccade programming: Evidence from saccadic adaptation. 9th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS9), May 18-21st 2005, Boston University, USA. [Communication orale]
  • Collins, T., Doré-Mazars, K. and Vergilino-Perez, D. (2003). Do two populations of refixations exist in long word reading? 12th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM12, 20-24 Aôut 2003, Dundee, Ecosse.
  • Pouget, P., Collins, T., Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D. and Beauvillain, C. (2003). Orienting of attention and saccade programming within and between objects. 12th European Conference on Eye Movements, 20-24 Aôut 2003, Dundee, Ecosse.
  • Pouget, P., Collins, T., Doré-Mazars, K., Vergilino-Perez, D. and Beauvillain, C. (2003) Orienting of attention and saccade programming within and between objects, juin 2003, Toronto, Canada. [Communication orale].
  • Pouget, P., Collins, T., Vergilino-Perez, D., Doré-Mazars, K. and Beauvillain, C. (2003). Orienting of attention and saccade programming within and between objects. International conference on visual processing of spatial form defined by luminance, colour, motion texture and binocular disparity centre for vision Research York University June 18-21 2003. Communication orale.
  • Vergilino-Perez, D., Collins, T., Doré-Mazars, K. and Beauvillain, C. (2003). Influence of the reference frame for action in the orienting of attention ? ECVP 26th, EuropeanConference on Visual Perception, 1-5 Septembre 2003, Paris, France.
  • Doré-Mazars, K., Pouget, P. and Beauvillain, C. (2002). Saccade programming and orienting of attention: Evidence for a dynamic spatial coupling. Workshop on Movement, Action and Visual selection, Dourdan, 12-13 décembre 2002.
  • Doré, K., & Beauvillain, C. (1997). Relationship between visual attention and saccade target selection in reading. Ninth European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM9, 23-26 Septembre 1997, Ulm-Allemagne.
  • Beauvillain, C. & Doré, K. (1995). Latency dependence of informative vs. redundant beginning words by the saccadic system. Eighth European Conference on Eye Movements,ECEM8, 6-9 Septembre 1995, Derby, UK. [Communication orale]
  • Doré, K., & Beauvillain, C. (1995). How do initial letters influence landing position? Eighth European Conference on Eye Movements,ECEM8, 6-9 Sept 1995, Derby UK.
  • Doré, K., & Beauvillain, C. (1993). Saccade computation in reading isolated words. Seventh European Conference on Eye Movements,ECEM7, 31 Août 1993, Durham UK. [Communication orale]


  • Barra Julien (LPN, Université de Savoie)
  • Cavezian Céline (post-doc Neurospin)
  • Chokron Sylvie (Fondation Rothschild – LPP Paris Descartes)
  • Collins Thérèse (LPP Paris Descartes)
  • Fagard Jacqueline (LPP Paris Descartes)
  • New Boris (LPN, Université de Savoie)
  • Nougier Vincent (TIMC-IMAG, Université Joseph Fourier –Grenoble)
  • Olivier Isabelle (TIMC-IMAG, Université Joseph Fourier –Grenoble)

Outils et Compétences Techniques

  • Eye tracker EyeLink® 1000 SR Research


Responsabilités administratives

  • Directrice de l’Ecole Doctorale ED261-3CH Cognition Comportement Conduites Humaines de Université Paris Cité (2019-23)
  • Membre du Conseil de l’Ecole Doctorale 3CH (ED261) «Cognition, comportement, conduites humaines» Université Paris Cité (2019-23, 2014-18 et 2012-14)
  • Membre du collège des Ecoles Doctorales (2020-)
  • Membre du Bureau du Conseil de l’Ecole Doctorale 3CH (ED261) (2019-23 et 2014-18)
  • Membre élue de la Commission Recherche de la Facultés Sociétés et Humanités de Université Paris Cité (2020-23)
  • Membre du Conseil Académique A de la Facultés Sociétés et Humanités de Université Paris Cité (2020-23)
  • Membre du Conseil Scientifique Local de l’Institut de Psychologie – Université Paris Cité (2020-23, 2017-20 et 2013-16)
  • Membre du Conseil Académique Local de l’Institut de Psychologie – Université Paris Cité (2020-23, 2017-20 et 2016-17)
  • Directrice du laboratoire VAC (2014-20)
  • Membre élu du Conseil de gestion de l’Institut de Psychologie – Paris Descartes (2017-20, 2013-17, 2009-10 et 2005-08)
  • Membre Conseil Scientifique de l’Université Paris Descartes – Membre élu Rang A secteur SHS (2016-19 et 2012-15)
  • Membre du Bureau du Conseil Académique de l’Université Paris Descartes (2016-19)
  • Membre du Conseil Académique A et AB de l’Université Paris Descartes (2016-19)
  • Membre (suppléant) au CHSCT spécial de l’Institut de Psychologie (2016-2020)
  • Membre du Bureau du Conseil Scientifique de l’Université Paris Descartes (2012-15)
  • Membre élu du Conseil National de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (CNESER). Membre titulaire du CNESER statuant en matière disciplinaire (2011-2015)
  • Membre du Bureau du Conseil de gestion de l’Institut de Psychologie – Paris Descartes (2005-08)

Responsabilités pédagogiques

En Master

  • Responsable UE M2 Activité 1 Parception action expertise du master Psychologie Cognitive et Appliquée de Psychologie (Institut de Psychologie – Université Paris Cité (2019-)
  • Responsable ou coresponsable d’UE dans la Spécialité Psychologie Cognitive et Appliquée du Master de Psychologie (Institut de Psychologie – UPD 2014-19)
  • Psychologie cognitive et neurosciences : perception-action (PCPA) M1
  • Perception Action (PACT) M2
  • Co-responsable avec Patrice Senot d’UE dans la Spécialité Psychologie Cognitive et Neuroscience : Perception et Action (Institut de Psychologie – UPD 2014-19)

En Licence

  • Co-responsable (Karine Doré-Mazars et Nadia Alahyane) UE optionnelle L3 Psychologie Cognitive Expérimentale: REPA: Regard, Perception et Action : un œil dans la « Boîte Noire » (2014-19)
  • Coordinatrice de la partie Expérimentale de l’UE obligatoire de Psychologie Cognitive de L3 (Resp de l’UE T Lubbart) de la Licence de Psychologie – Paris Descartes ( 2012-14).
  • Responsable de l’UE obligatoire de Psychologie Cognitive Expérimentale de L1 de la Licence de Psychologie- Paris Descartes (2013-2014).
  • Co-responsable (Karine Doré-Mazars et Dorine Vergilino-Perez) de l’UE optionnelle L3 de psychologie Expérimentale (PNECO) « Psychologie et Neuropsychologie Cognitive: Perception et action » (licence Paris Descartes) 2003-13.
  • Responsable de l’UE obligatoire de Psychologie Expérimentale de DEUG de Sciences Humaines et Sociales- Paris Descartes 1999-2004.
  • Responsable de l’UE optionnelle 54h de psychologie Expérimentale « Regard, Perception et Action » (REPA) (Deug2). DEUG de Sciences Humaines et Sociales -Paris Descartes (1999-2002)

En doctorat

  • Modules de Formation ED261 3CH:
    • “Les bases d’une bonne communication et les clefs pour soutenir sa thèse” K. Doré-Mazars et M. Sperduti (2014-)
    • “Vers le métier d’enseignant-chercheur” K. Doré-Mazars (2013-14) et avec S. Moutier (2014-)
    • “Réussir sa soutenance” K. Doré-Mazars et M. Shaïek (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19)